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What Litter Box Do Veterinarians Recommend? LoftyLoo. Learn How LoftyLoo Is Raising the Bar for Feline Care with the Elevated Litter Box.

LoftyLoo is recommended by veterinarians because it's elevating cat care with its raised cat litter box. Its thoughtful design considers a cat’s behavioral and environmental needs while providing a wheelchair-accessible litter box that makes the less-than-glamorous duty of litter box maintenance a breeze. This blog was written by Alicia Ashley, DVM.

Litter Box Solutions for You and Your Cat

What Litter Box Do Veterinarians Recommend LoftyLoo Raised Litter Box
Alicia Ashley, DVM

Most of us mindlessly (maybe a little begrudgingly) get down and dirty each day to scoop the litter because, well, it just has to get done. And when you fall behind on the task — which inevitably happens — you end up crouched over an offensive, smelly, heavy-as-cement mess, breaking a sweat while you scrape and scoop. You’re not happy about it, and trust me, your cat isn’t either.

Figuring out your cat’s litter box preferences can take a bit of trial and error, but as a general rule, litter boxes must be clean, safe, accessible, and comfortable for your cat. If any of those big four are lacking, your feline friend may feel distressed, develop an aversion to the litter box, and even start house-soiling.

But for many people, maintaining the litter box poses a big physical challenge. Finding a litter box that caters to cats' needs while making it comfortable and easy for cat caregivers to clean, is a tall order — but the LoftyLoo is up to the task and doing just that!

Taking the Pain Out of Cleaning the Litter Box  

LoftyLoo Raised Litter Box Recommended by veterinarians

Millions of people live with disabilities, chronic pain, illness, or balance issues and countless seniors find themselves needing additional support for daily tasks. Cleaning the litter box is the most physically demanding part of routine cat care. For many, getting down on the floor to scoop the litter box can be exceedingly challenging, or even downright dangerous.

There are few choices for cat guardians needing extra support with litter box maintenance. For most, having someone come into their home daily is not a realistic, long-term option. In some cases, the cat might need to be rehomed or relinquished to a shelter. But in my experience, what usually happens is despite the steep challenge, cat caregivers do their best to manage on their own, often to the detriment of themselves and their beloved cat.

Cats and their guardians need and deserve better — this is where the LoftyLoo, an elevated litter box, comes in.

Changing the Game With An Accessible Litter Box for Disabled Persons

Best Litter Boxes Recommended by Veterinarians

The LoftyLoo is a wheelchair accessible cat litter box. This raised litter box empowers those who may otherwise struggle with this essential part of cat care by offering a uniquely constructed cat litter box for disabled cat owners. A person can comfortably scoop the litter from a standing or seated position.

LoftyLoo not only crafted the elevated cat litter box for wheelchair users but also made this elevated cat litter box for elderly cat owners to restore the ability to independently care for their pet. Everything you need can be stored below in one place, so there’s no need to lug around supplies — it’s a simple and remarkably effective solution to an all-too-common problem.

What Litter Box Do Veterinarians Recommend? What Do Cats Think of the LoftyLoo?

For many cat guardians, having a litter box wheelchair accessible is vital. But addressing the needs of our feline friends is equally important! Most healthy cats can easily use the LoftyLoo, naturally gravitate toward the elevated, quiet, and open design, and are much happier when their guardian keeps up with litter box maintenance.

raised litter boxes recommended by veterinarians

Tackling Litter Box Issues With the Feline Friendly LoftyLoo

House-soiling is a common, complex, and frustrating concern. Many pet parents feel their cat does this out of spite, but let me assure you, this is not the case. It’s usually a sign that a cat’s medical, environmental, or social needs are not being met. Sadly, it erodes the bond people share with their cats. It’s a common reason cat guardians may abandon, relinquish, or elect to euthanize their cat.

Since many medical conditions can lead to house-soiling, I always rule these out first. But often, I find it comes down to issues with the big four feline litter box needs: is it clean, safe, accessible, and comfortable for your cat?

Fortunately, many litter box issues can be avoided or resolved with a basic understanding of feline-specific needs and the right tools to meet those needs. Here’s how the LoftyLoo can help:

Achieving the Clean You and Your Cat Crave With the LoftyLoo

Cats need a clean litter box, and if it’s below par, they will refuse to use it and find another place to go — and really, who can blame them?

In my experience, a dirty litter box is one of the more common, non-medical reasons for litter box aversion and house-soiling. It’s important to keep litter boxes as clean as possible and scoop them at least once a day. When a litter box is well-maintained, there’s much less odor, it’s easier to clean, it harbors fewer harmful organisms, and your cat will thank you for it!

LoftyLoo’s wheelchair accessible litter box makes it easy to keep the litter box clean while maintaining your independence, safety, and comfort.  

How the Raised Kitty Litter Box Helps Cats Feel Safe

From cupboard conquests to tabletop takeoffs, cats make some pretty impressive leaps — they’re built to jump.

For their relatives in the wild, being high off the ground has advantages. From high up, cats can avoid ambush by a predator and watch for prey — it’s a comfort and survival zone. For house cats, the stakes may not be as high as in the wild, but the instinct to seek out vertical spaces remains.

Cats can get stressed by the regular chaos of busy family life and it’s not all peace and purrs in multi-pet households. Cats sharing a home with other pets or small children may be more prone to litter box issues.

Cats are territorial by nature and may compete for resources, even when there is enough to go around. In homes with multiple cats, one may get picked on by their fellow felines, especially while eating, drinking, or using the litter box. Cats who get ambushed by other pets or curious small children can feel especially stressed when they can’t see their surroundings from the litter box. It’s one of the reasons I don’t recommend closed-top litter boxes.

And, contrary to automated litter boxes, there’s no noisy machinery that might scare or potentially injure your cat.

LoftyLoo’s elevated, open, and quiet design gives cats the vertical space they naturally love without blocking their line of sight, helping them feel safe and protected while atop their LoftyLoo throne.

Accessibility and Comfort for Cats Using the LoftyLoo

When it comes to litter box accessibility and comfort, every cat has unique needs. Generally, though, cats prefer large, open litter boxes, placed in low-traffic but still easily accessible zones. When it comes to litter, most cats prefer unscented (added scents are offensive to their sensitive noses), soft on the feet, clumping litter, although your cat may be partial to something else.

Small, cramped litter boxes make it uncomfortable for cats to do their business and can lead to house-soiling or accidents right next to the litter box. The LoftyLoo accommodates a large, open litter box that allows cats to comfortably turn around, find their preferred spot, and posture naturally.

We already know that jumping is second nature for cats. The front perch on the LoftyLoo is 18 inches off the ground — roughly the height of a typical couch seat or coffee table. So, cats that easily jump to this height can absolutely use the LoftyLoo.

Some cats may have health concerns that affect their ability to jump, especially older cats; however, it’s important to note that age itself is not a disease. Many medical conditions, such as osteoarthritis or vision problems, for example, can impair a cat’s mobility. It’s important to bring any concerns to your veterinarian and develop a care plan tailored to your cat's condition. 

In addition to medical management of feline mobility concerns, I recommend making simple changes in your home to help your cat get around. Whether it’s to cozy up with you on the couch, sunbathe on their favorite windowsill, or use their LoftyLoo, adding non-slip ramps and stairs eliminates the need to jump and are excellent ways to support your cat’s desire to get to higher places comfortably and safely. I’ve encountered many spry and spicy senior cats that, with some help, continue doing many of the things they love.

Cats that are ill, injured, or recovering from surgery may be temporarily unable to (or shouldn’t be allowed to) jump until they have recovered. In these situations, it’s best to place the litter pan on the floor or add a non-slip ramp or stairs to your LoftyLoo until your veterinarian gives the okay.

Choosing Elevated Care for You and Your Cat

Balancing your cat’s needs with your own is key to living well with your feline friend. The LoftyLoo gives an accessible option to care for your cat independently, safely, and comfortably while catering to your cat’s essential litter box needs — and what could be more purrfect than that?

Alicia Ashley, DVM, is a freelance medical writer and veterinarian. She obtained her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 2013 from the Atlantic Veterinary College, in Prince Edward Island, Canada. Dr Ashley writes educational content that empowers pet parents to take an active role in their pet’s well-being and navigate the unknowns and curveballs that may come their way. She has a deep respect for the human-animal bond and is dedicated to helping ‘both ends of the leash’. Dr Ashley has a special interest in feline medicine and welfare and is a loyal servant to her elderly cats, Myles and Jarvis. She is also passionate about preventative medicine; One Health initiatives that support human, animal, and environmental health; and pain management in both human and veterinary medicine. 


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